Sunday 15 January 2017

For Better or For Worse

So a few weeks ago myself and my dear friend Sam (sorry this isn't the appreciation post I promised you) were reading a number of petitions on (sign up if you haven't already, it is brilliant.)

A quick overview of It's basically a site where you can create, browse and sign a number of different petitions and really feel like you're making a change. You can also read all the success stories which really do brighten your day because there are actually good people in the world (I know, shocking right?)

Now I'm not an expert so I am not aware of the inns and outs of civil partnerships. But, I am fairly well educated on society and it's treatment of various minorities against the majorities.

So among the many posts about the government or the NHS or some woman who wants to help her daughter get the treatment she needs, one specific petition caught my attention.

When I saw the title 'Open civil partnerships to all' I got excited. I was anticipating a rant-style article about the discrimination of the LGBT community in society. I hoped it would be an article than would fuel me with rage and think to myself  'hell yeah this is an important cause, I'm going to give it a sign'.

Unfortunately I was wrong. The article was not pro-LGBT nor was it trying to be. The article was all about the prejudice against straight people (because we all know that clearly exists, God I hate it when I'm attacked for being straight. Oh wait...)

A couple wanted a civil partnership but this had been denied as they were not a same sex couple. They felt this was wrong and decided (for some odd reason) to start a petition to aid their case.

Sadly the petition has been signed by 71,000 people. That means that 71,000 people truly believe that straight people (in this case) are being discriminated against. 71,000 people have basically outed that gay rights are no more important than straight rights.

Despite the idiotic nature of this petition, there is one piece of the write up which I can understand. The female felt as though marriage is a patriarchal idea which limits women's rights and allows women to be objectified which is a fair enough point but does not justify the bizarre issue this couple are offended by.

So basically, two people (and 71,000 more) have decided that the title which many LGBT people were forced to settle with because they did not have the option of the luxurious status of marriage.

It is like saying that you're not happy with someone being in benefits and feel that you should also get this money as that would be fair even though you're earning £50,000 a year. It's complaining that someone has different treatment because they have always been discriminated against and now have the rights they have fought for and thoroughly deserve.

It is white, heterosexual people complaining about being discriminated against without knowing what discrimination actually is.

--- Aimee ---

Truck Festival (Take 4)

Nearing the end of festival season in the UK, it is probably about time I got round to posting my annual Truck Festival piece. 2018 marked...