Wednesday 30 September 2015

Commuication of Ideas

Society. A major part in the lives of people today. Consisting of thousands of ideals and standards which have been created over time. These ideals sectioning of certain people into relevant groups. Issues which are very current being focused on. Society, of course, works hand in hand with the Internet, to get across these ideals, to further brainwash people with them.

It's always seemed rather odd to me how suddenly new thoughts can be forced upon us, dramatically changing how we perceive people, places and life as a whole. Sometimes there is no reasoning for these thoughts but we are told to shut up and just go along with them because it's easier than making a stand. Being taught from early on to just fit in, it's no wonder people have decided to accept how things are.

And this is ok. If there is no visible issue for you personally, why would you want to make a scene about it? Why bother causing a fuss when you can simply go about your daily life with no issues or problems, no change or difference? Fitting in is always nice, better to blend in with the crowd than be the one who stand out.

I think that people fear how they are perceived. They worry that they don't fit into what people class as 'normal'. But standing out comes in many forms. To have a different view doesn't need a huge gesture. You don't have to voice your thoughts in order to have them. The downfall of socety lies there, where people think you have to speak to have views.

There are many causes I support, many movements I am strongly in favour of. I don't know its down to my respect for others or my shyness when it comes to actually talking to people but I don't exactly voice my opinions very much. I have many, many views on things that the majority of people don't seem to have or at least have knowledge on. I guess the fact I don't voice what I think says something about the way soceity has influenced me to not be the odd one out. But the difference is, I have different opinions to what is considered the norm, even if I'm not saying it.

As I said before, it's fine if people are able to sit back, consume media and not have doubts or questions. It's fine if they have opinions which fit with that of 'regular' people. Obviously, each person has their own reasoning for what they think and why. But the minority also need to be considered. The small proportion of people who want to make a change.

I say change but obviously this comes in many different degrees. Some people want to make a big change. I for one would love to make a difference. I have lots of hopes and dreams about what an ideal world would be. Of course it will never be quite like I wish but it's worth a try.

People approach the idea of making a change in different ways. For a introvert such as myself, I prefer to voice my thoughts online, either by blogging or tweeting. Maybe one day I will have the confidence, experience and desire to speak more publicly about my views but for now I'm content with talking about things under my online identity.

The idea that people with different opinions to that of the norm is that they ram them down your throat, forcing you to listen to them is utter trash. It's simply not true. Take vegans as an example. Sure you get those who strongly believe that everyone should convert and desperately try again to get their point across, bombarding everyone with information. However, you also, and it's so important to understand this, get those who have thoughts, maybe weaker thoughts (but still thoughts) and don't try to make such a rapid change.

Personally, the major (and if you know me you will probably know this, especially if you follow me on Twitter) issue is inequality. I don't mean personally as in it is the issue that affects me most out of anything, because, although it plays a huge impact in my life, that is not the case. I mean in terms of what I try to voice opinions and get knowledge across about most.

There's the key point. With the Internet, sure it's easier to set up events to help out these causes but it's also easier to inform one a large scale. Many issues and causes out there need the informative side rather than the physically action side of things. People are much more likely to react and change if they are slowly informed by their own choice rather this being forced to feel a certain way.

It's the reason why people are factual when others disagree with their thoughts. Because it's more effective to give reason why to feel a certain way than to simple say that another opinion is just wrong.

I don't think people understand how important the Internet really is for imforming people of issues. People will say how 'one person tweeting about the wage gap won't stop inequality' and that's true. But this is missing the point. Yes, putting a stop to inequality would be great in an ideal world but the reality is, this is the real world, not the ideal world. Inequality will always exists, it would be silly to think otherwise but people don't understand we aren't trying to stop it. Like I said, yes it would be ideal but it's not realistic.

The point of sharing opinions on these sorts of things is to inform. That's what people need. While we are still functioning with our own thoughts we are able to change them due to what we see and hear. If we gather enough information our brains will register that certain behviours are wrong. And, on a wider scale, knowledge will cause a slow adapting change to how we view things. Bit by bit, our small gestures can change to mould of societies ideals.

--- Aimee ---

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