Saturday 1 April 2017

Looking Back Over 18 Years

So here it is, my 18th birthday and how long I have waited for this moment.

The day of freedom, the day of adulthood...oh crap, I'm going to be an adult.

Part of me has been dreading this moment. A few weeks back I had a horrible realisation; I'm almost 18. That means that next year I'll be 19, then I'll be into my twenties. My twenties?? Are we sure this is right?

I'm pretty sure last year was 2012 and I was wasting the summer away with my first proper haircut and my obsession with powdered foundation.

And I'm almost certain that it wasn't that long ago that I was an innocent five year old in Disneyland Paris wearing my favourite purple coat.

Is it really time to grow up already? If I blast out Avril Lavigne's banger 'Here's To Never Growing Up' can I reclaim my childhood?

It hasn't been an easy ride but that's not to say it hasn't been fun. I've had a lot of fun.

3 hair colours, 7 countries and 18 concerts later and here I am, the big 1 8. Ready to fly the nest (in 5 months time.)

Can I approach this milestone by claiming the perks but not the responsibilities? Probably not. Will I try to anyway? Almost definitely.

I may have been waiting for this moment my whole life (ok, bit dramatic. Probably since I was 10 in reality) but I wish I could do it all again. The things I'm 'too old' for now. I want to be 8 and climbing trees, not 18 and sitting my A Levels.

At what point did I blink and fast forward my entire childhood?

I hope my next 18 years are just as magical although a bit less difficult (come on world, be nice to me please.)

I'm ready for the challenges ahead and the changes on the horizon.

I'm ready to become an adult. Ready to begin my life of limitless possibilities.

But I haven't always been ready. I've had to learn many lessons to get here. Poor 5 year old Aimee didn't know how tough this ride was going to be for her but she made it.

She flipping made it.

--- Aimee ---

Truck Festival (Take 4)

Nearing the end of festival season in the UK, it is probably about time I got round to posting my annual Truck Festival piece. 2018 marked...