Saturday 27 June 2015

Legalisation of Gay Marriage

As you may have noticed, I try to leave at least 3 or 4 days between uploading new blog posts and to be honest, up until yesterday I was happy for that to be the case. I felt no rush to write again, I had no topics in mind which needed to be urgently addressed. Then, at around lunchtime yesterday, I saw a couple of tweets which caught my attention. Tweets includng the hashtag '#LoveWins'. I must admit I was a bit confused by it and it wasn't until a few hours later that I began to see articles on my Facebook news feed about gay marriage in the United States. Reading these articles made me understand what events had unfolded previous to these news articles being written and eveything I had seen made a lot more sense.

I headed back to Twitter a bit later on to see my news feed full of uplifting messages about the matter and I was absolultey delighted to see this. I feel as though it truly shows that change is happening in the world and we are moving forward as a species. Legalising gay marriage is one thin but the fact that it was legalised in the whole of America just shows how far we've come in terms of equal rights. The occasion has been widely celebrated by thousands and thousands of people. It has been majorly recognised and celebrated by social media sites such as Snapchat and Twitter. I think it is absolultey fantastic that so many people are bakes to freely celebrate such an occasion and the responses that I have seen have shown immense pride.

Personally, I am not directly affected by the matter but that does not lessen my understanding or happiness about the subject. I think it's a huge step for everyone but especially America, a country which has been viewed often as unaccepting of change and equality to have knocked down so many barriers to come to this. It gives so much hope to people including myself that one day, everyone will be equal, no matter what differences they have. I expect that it also brings hope to gay people who are not yet accepted, either by their family, friends or society in general, that they will one day experience being fully accepted by all. I know how much of a struggle coming out can be for people, mainly due to the fear of rejection by those around them but this just proves that people can change their opinion and learn to accept change. It shows that fighting for what you believe in can make a difference and a huge, positive impact.

I do understand there are people who will not accept this change and, although I vaguely understand their reasoning, I in no way agree with these people. But, in my opinion, few of them will be effected with this change. I can almost guarantee that they will make a huge deal about it being rubbed in their face when in fact it is just people celebrating their own lives, not knocking others. Lets put it this way, if it was someones birthday, they are allowed to celebrate but they shouldn't be made to feel bad because you are not celebrating. If it does not effect your everyday life, does it really matter? Some of these people will only be effected by seeing same sex couples wearing wedding rings. It's not as if they are inviting them to the wedding or wearing the rings to purposely get to them. I feel as though people against same sex marriage think everything is being done to annoy them rather than things being done for other people's happiness and to be quite honest, this is a very selfish attiutde to have.

I can not even begin to imagine the happiness that same sex couples in America must be experiencing right now. So many more doors have been opened for them. So many opportunities are available to them now that weren't before. They are equal. They have the same rights as everyone else and I can't believe this has only just happened. It seems so bizarre that people who are so committed to wanting people to find love and be happy can also be against two people getting married because they are the same gender. It's been a long battle for the LGBT but something amazing has finally come out of it and I'm so proud to have been around when this change occurred.

Part of me is interested in seeing the aftermath of this decision as people will, no doubt, make statements about it not being natural and against God. I am not a very religious person at all but I do know for a fact that one of the Ten Commandments is 'Love thy neighbour'. This literally means loves everyone. It does not state only love them if they are straight or only love them if they have the same beliefs as you. It means that people should love everyone. I am glad that I have been able to witness so many people celebrating even if only through social media as it shows me just how much this meant to so many people. I am almost certain that it has made more people happy than it has upset so surely people can see it was worth it.

One of the stories that has struck me was about the first same sex couple to get married in Texas. A couple who had been together for 54 years. 54 years of waiting to have equal rights. I think this really does show true love. A love which has most likely been frowned upon for over half a century but has kept the two together regardless. It shows that a gay couple should have no less rights than a straight couple and as far as I am concerned, they deserve the exact same treatment as anyone else.

I hope that people learn for this that change is happening. I hope people see what a positive impact this has had and that people realise how important equality is. I hope that this is the begining in a long line of change to happen all over the world in terms of equality. I hope people understand that gay marriage is important for two reasons; to celebrate love and to display equality. I really hope society begins to move away from negative views on topics such as this. But most of all, I hope that gay couples are able to celebrate their love in a way they should have always been able to celebrate it.

--- Aimee ---

Thursday 25 June 2015

The Longest Ride

Just over a week ago, I decided that I would begin reading The Longest Ride by Nicholas Sparks as I had had it in my possession for a few months. I had known there was quite a large buzz about the book and the fact that it was being released in cinemas that week made me eager to begin.

The storyline of the book is absolutely marvellous involving such interesting and unique characters. The book is written extremely well, including every small detail needed but nothing more than is necessary. From the very first page I was immensely gripped and soon it proved very hard to put down.

I found the structure quite intriguing, with each chapter alternating the character who's perspective the story was being told from. By using this method, Sparks was able to introduce the opinion of both characters on a given that event which helped to see how each person viewed the situation. I find it very useful as a reader to know the feelings of each character at any given point as it assists the understanding of relationships between characters.

Four main characters were used by Sparks to create two separate love stories, eventually coming together to create a mystical tale of fate. The two couples appear to be complete opposites. One having already lasted a lifetime with all their adventures over and done with while the other shows a newly found love, with their adventures just beginning. Although the two relationships are worlds apart, it quickly becomes clear some of the similarities that the two couples share, foreshadowing the possible future of the young couple.

The two love stories that are told in this book are both equally as magical as each other but each making the reader feel differently. Personally, I felt upset for the older couple as Ira re-lived each of the treasured moments he had shared with his beloved Ruth. I felt it was fairly easy to grasp the pain he felt after being widowed by his one true love and having to continue in his life with no real purpose. He explains multiple times how he didn't want to go in and how his desire to live had escaped him when she had passed. I think the aspect of this which touched me the most was just how real this was. Thinking about the number of people who experience the death of a loved one and have to struggle on through life feeling desperately incomplete.

The young couple on the other hand portrayed an unexpected love found by two remarkably different characters. At first, their relationship seemed to be just a small fling and it was as though it would not work mainly due to the severe differences between the two characters involved. But as you follow the developing relationship, it becomes obvious that each of them need each other, even if they themselves don't realise it. I believe there is a strong message in this as I feel that people nowadays don't have a very clear idea how much they mean to someone else or how much they have helped them and it saddens me to think that some will never truly know. Sometimes you can influence a life so much and have no clue on the impact you have made.

A major similarity between the two couples is that the love is unexpected, whether it due to timing, lifestyles or differences. This aspect of the storyline is so extremely important. It shows the audience that sometimes something can happen and all of a sudden it becomes the most important thing to you. The book tells the audience that the best things in your life might not be planned but they will happen all the same and you will be so grateful for that.

I am so overly happy that I decided to read this book as it has made a huge impact on myself and how I view life. The one thing I hope more than anything else is that the film does the book justice and really gets across the pain, hope and ache for love that each character experiences.

--- Aimee ---

Sunday 21 June 2015

Representation of Love

As my summer has now well and truly began, I think about all the tv series which I long to watch in the near future. All of which I have seen before but part of me still desires to relive the experience the magic of getting so intensely gripped on a fictitious storyline. It's so odd how you get so emotionally attached to a show yet you go a few weeks without watching it and you forget how you felt while watching it. Over the summer, one of the main series I want to watch all over again is one my all time favourite series. An artwork of emotions, How I Met Your Mother.

The show itself finished over a year ago with an incredible yet controversal ending. Personally, I thought the ending was brilliant and so well thought out, even if the majority of viewers disagreed with it. I began watching the show a couple of years ago, and 10 minutes in to the first episode I was gripped. I know it is not considered by many to be one of the greats but I feel as though it really should be.

The storyline is an amazing thing and the structure is outstanding. It's clear from the first season that the way that Ted feels about Robin is serious. I think that it is extremely hard to hate Ted, even with some of actions he carries out, due to him being such a broken man. The amount of comedy in the show sometimes overlooks the hurt that is shared with many of the characters throughout the 9 seasons. When watching the show, I feel so connected with Ted and as an audience, people get to experience his life as he lives it, involving the audience in the show.

To me, the main theme is clearly love. The love that keeps Marashall and Lily together. The love that Ted continues to have for Robin. The love that the group share with each other. This being the theme would turn most people off liking the show as it could be seen as too cute, happy and romantic. But you really don't have to watch much to see the real way love is presented. It is not used to show a kind, loving and caring relationship but rather the immense pain which love can cause. The pain which doesn't go away, the pain which is always there even when not visible.

The fact that the show is presented mainly through the eyes of Ted makes the audience even more connected with him, his life and his feelings throughout everything which happens. Personally, I felt such hurt when Ted realised that him and Robin wouldn't work because you could see how much he craved it to. Being such a strong character, he realised that he couldn't stop feeling the way he was feeling and tried time after time after time to help Robin out. He always offered a hand where possible and couldn't bear the fact of her being upset.

This is another reason I adore Ted as a character, his selfless attitude. The way he does everything for Robin with no expectation to get anything back. He does everything purely to see her happy, representing what love is all about. Ted always puts her first, not worrying how it will make him feel. I don't think that there is ever a moment when he is convinced that he is over her, as he knows he never is and never will be. My absolute favourite quote is from season 8, in a scene with Ted and his ex, Victoria. Coming to the realisation that Robin is all Ted has ever wanted, she tells him 'I really hope you get her someday'. I find this quote so heartwrenching as Ted has tried to convince himself he can live without her but deep down he knows that she will make him so much happier than he has ever been. It is this line which makes me physically ache with the pain Ted must have felt at this moment in time.

There are many morals to learn from this show, lessons which I will always carry with me. But I think the major lesson is that love doesn't care about many aspects of life. It doesn't stop because people disagree. It doesn't stop because you don't talk to the person. It doesn't stop ever, as the feeling is too strong. The final episode of the show consists of Ted and Robin getting together which allowed me to really feel closure with the show as I always hoped they would work things out. This is why most people disliked the ending, as they got together following the death of Ted's wife. But to me, it just shows that even if you think you are with the right person or doing the right thing, it may not always be what you truly want. I think it just to show that things can take a long time to work themselves out, but when they do, there is no doubt it will be worth it.

--- Aimee ---

Wednesday 17 June 2015

End of Exams

At 3:00pm on Monday afternoon my summer began. I cannot even began to explain how thrilled I am that I do not have to go back to school until September. The thought of such a long and relaxing summer is so exciting to me. I know that many people dislike the idea of doing nothing for long periods of time and are concerned about how to spend their summer wisely but I have a clear idea of what I want to do with my time. Firstly, I am hoping to meet many of my friends who I have been meaning to see for a while now. I also have a stack of books I want to read as soon as I can as well as having several box sets I wish to re-watch.

I believe that, for me, the worst part of school is the physical school itself and also the people in it. I have always enjoyed the learning aspect but the way it is put across usually has a negative effect on students and causes them to believe it is the learning that they detest. This year, I had the horrible matter of taking my GCSE exams, which was a severely stressful time. The idea of exams themselves make me feel sick and I do not cope well with the pressure at all. Of course I am hoping for good results but I am strongly relying on my coursework for many subjects to help me get good grades.

Thinking about it now, it's rather upsetting that some of the people who I have strongly connected to this year will not be coming back to school next year. Until you really think about it, I don't think you ever realise how much you will miss someone even if you only spoke to them in a certain lesson or even just once a week. In this past year of my life, I have made so many friends from different circles, something which I never thought I would be confident enough to do and I am so grateful to anyone who has ever made the effort with me.

I think that nowadays, so many people judge you on who you are friends with. I know that some of my closest friends don't nessarily agree with some people I associate myself with, but they respect it none the less. And personally, I don't think it matters the groups that your friends belong to because as long as you trust and care about that person, it shouldn't matter what other people have to say. That's where our downfall is as a generation because we are in constant fear of being judged on our actions and don't spend enough time doing what we truly want to do. To me, it doesn't concern me too much if one of my friends disagrees with something I like to do because I know that as long as I enjoy it, it doesn't bother me that others don't.

When I do have to go back in September, I am thoroughly hoping that I feel more confortable in the environment and enjoy the learning a bit more. I think that this upcoming year will strongly impact my future and I am aware that I need to make this year count. It's a very freeing feeling that I will only be studying specific subjects which I want to study. This make me happy as I know that I won't have to suffer through subjects that I have no interest in whatsoever. Although most people I tell my A-Level choices to express that they will all be very hard and challenging, I am quite looking forward to begining them. I do think that they will be quite challenging but I am also aware that they will help me get on the right path for my future which I feel is all that really matters.

But until I do have to begin my A-Levels, I am going to make the most of my summer, either by going new places and meeting new people or just staying inside and watching some of my favourite shows. But either way, I am going to ensure I make the most of it and enjoy myself while doing so.

--- Aimee ---

Monday 8 June 2015


One of the best ways to get to know a person is by finding out what they enjoy. For me, there are many activities, films, books, bands, tv shows which I enjoy and class as my favourite. In the context of films, I have watched many which I have throughly loved and felt a connection to. Although I am not a film addict and rarely find the time to sit down to watch a film, there are a few films which I absolultey adore.

My favourite all time film has been my favourite film since I first watched it at the age of 7 and I felt instantly attached to the storyline and characters. In my opinion, it is the greatest film of all time and teaches so many lessons that a person should learn in their lifetime. This incredible film is Titanic. I really do feel like it is one of the films that everyone must watch at some point during their life.

Many people may argue that the ending is so well known that there really is no point in watching it, but for me, everytime I do watch it, I get just as enhanced as I did the first time. I think that even though most people know how it will end, that doesn't mean you can't watch it and enjoy it anyway.

I do apologise if you have not seen Titanic but for me it will always be my favourite film and one which I will forever adore and long to watch. I believe that one reason I feel this way is that it's quite a tragic film which tells an incredible story in such a brilliant way. I was told recently I have a quite varied film taste, something I had never thought about before. Personally, I think that one thing which makes me love a film is an element of tragedy, a quality I have began to love since discovering the masterpiece of a film which Titanic is.

The storyline itself is so wonderfully engaging throughout and each event which occurs grips you a little bit more an the previous time. The main theme of the film is based on the relationship which develops between Jack and Rose, the two main characters. The film teaches people that they should not worry about how they are viewed by others but just want to make themselves happy. This is portrayed through the love which blossoms between the third class passenger Jack Dawson and first class passenger Rose DeWitt Bukater upon the ill fated ship of dreams.

It can be argued that the entire film being primarily based on a relationship classes the film as a romance film. But I think the only way to truly understand the devastation which occurs is to watch the film. Yes, there is a lot of romance but also danger, heartbreak and despair which all work extremely well together to create an outstanding piece of art.

For the audience, one of the key moments of the film is where Jack and Rose first interact with each other at the rear of the ship. The dialog here is heartwarming and gives hope to the audience as Jack, who knows nothing more than the class of Rose, steps in to convince her that her life is worth living. I believe that this goes to show that sometimes you just need a single person to take action and your life will change dramatically, it about being at the right place at the right time. Throughout the film, there are so many moments where it seems that the romance between the two will end due to it being unacceptable and difficult, but the two always find a way to overcome their problems.

There truly a such a sense of tragic beauty in Jack and Rose's relationship. As said by Rose at the end of the film, Jack saved her in every way a person can be saved and it is show by an elderly Rose that she is deeply grateful for this. It is heartbreaking to watch Rose's final moments with Jack as she has lost the only person she ever met who showed her the true brilliance of life. I believe that any single person who watches this film is able to relate to the relationship, either as their own or one they aspire to have.

The film portrays the romance in such a sad but beautiful way and I really do encourage every single person to watch Titanic at least once, I promise you that you will be moved. There is so much more I could say in order to honour this simply incredible masterpiece but there are just not enough hours in the day.

--- Aimee ---

Thursday 4 June 2015

Starting A Blog

After many years of trying to start up a blog, I have finally got round to doing so. Currently, I do not have a clear idea of what direction I wish my blog to go in but I wish to continue it none the less. I have decided to set this up as I have recently realised the vast amount of topics which I would like to speak about more but have never found the right way to do such a thing.

I thought that with such a long and hopefully relaxing summer coming up I could set up a blog in order to write about the experiences that I have faced and am yet to face. I hope to share my thoughts and opinions on a wide range of subjects which interest me with you which will hopefully share a little bit more about what kind of person I am and want to be.

Thank you for reading

--- Aimee ---

Truck Festival (Take 4)

Nearing the end of festival season in the UK, it is probably about time I got round to posting my annual Truck Festival piece. 2018 marked...