Wednesday 8 March 2017

Females in Football

Leggings. Jeans. Thermal. T-shirt. Jumper.

Coat. Hat. Scarf. Socks.

Another pair of socks.

You would think I was heading out to the Arctic with the multiple layers of warmth I dressed myself with a few weeks ago. But I'm afraid I'm not that adventurous.

No, these layers were my clothing choices prior to leaving the house to head in preparation to yet another (poorly attended) football game at the Madejski Stadium.

It was cold. Bitterly cold.

I found myself asking myself 'what am I doing here?' And I probably wasn't the only one thinking that. But the other people that were sharing my thought were not considering their own presence at the game; they were considering mine.

I'm a young, teenage girl at a football game, this isn't my place.

Photo Credits: Mark Beeley
Attending another game last night (who doesn't love a bit of Tuesday night football?) and I found I could not help but notice the severe lack of females. Or, to be more honest, the lack of females who wanted to go and weren't just tagging along because their partners wanted them there.

Because, unfortunately females are still in the minority when it comes to football matches. The committee itself is male dominated but does it need to be the same for the fans?

It's no wonder females often choose not to go, given the poor reputation of fouling, abusive language and behaviour associated with the game.

But, and here's the cliche; it's not that bad.

You won't go to a football match and be harassed or abused (at least not the games I go to). You won't be attacked due to your gender. You probably won't even be asked why you're there. You'll be accepted, but only after they've registered the idea that women can enjoy football too.

It's not everyone's idea of fun and it's certainly not ladylike but who said I ever wanted to be a 'lady' anyway? That doesn't sound like my idea of fun.

Time and time again I have found myself in the situation where, not only is knowledge on football not expected of me, it is treated with a shock reaction.

Yes I actually could name more than 10 football teams. Yes I could name more than 10 players. Yes I know that England will not be playing Liverpool in the World Cup.

No my knowledge is not perfect. I'm still a bit wobbly on the offside rule, I don't know all the players and I don't follow all of the team statistics and ratings. But that doesn't mean it doesn't interest me.

Football is not my life nor is it my priority each and everyday. I don't spend my days worrying about whose injured this time and how long for. Or how many points Reading need to be third. Or how other teams that I don't even care about are getting on.

Instead I spend my evenings catching up on last nights EastEnders and trying to understand what exactly Shakespeare meant by using an intense amount of animal imagery in King Lear. (Priorities!)

So, if you're going to judge my lack of football knowledge please do so on the basis that I don't follow the team news or the league table. Or the fact that I don't watch matches I miss on tv or catch them on the radio.

Judge me because I haven't paid attention to the new signing or change in ownership.

Don't judge me because I'm a woman.

I deserve to be here just as much as you do.

--- Aimee ---

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