Wednesday 31 May 2017

The Hierarchy of Retail

In a world full of competing females on Instagram with there perfect bodies and their trendy clothes you won't find me in the nearest Topshop. Instead I'll be hiding in my comfort zone; the sale section of New Look.

The hierarchy of retail is something which baffles me; if you're not buying the latest eye shadow palette for £30 then you're not fashionable. If you're not buying the latest laced top which 80% of females now own then you're not fashionable. If you don't rejig your wardrobe every few months, keeping only the trendy items then sorry, you're not fashionable.

But who defines what's fashionable to me? Surely, the simple answer is me.

Of course we each have our preferences of where we want to shop otherwise Tesco and Sainsbury's would dominate the fashion industry.

Fashion is one thing, sure I would like to be deemed fashionable but the question is can I actually afford it?

Why spend £20 on a jumper when I could wait a while and get it in the sale for £10? It is rare that I splash my cash on clothes costing more than £15 as a regular occurrence but as always there are exceptions. Last November I found myself parting with £22 for the sake of an absolutely gorgeous black jumpsuit.

It was very much a love at first sight kind of buy; a rarity in my life. Many retail encounters makes me second guess the price and often leads to the sad and lonely walk to return the clothing to the rail.

But I would rather return items there and then than take them home, put them in my wardrobe and never wear them again.

But I would rather that than purchasing the latest must-have buy for the sake of being deemed hip (if hip can even be considered a compliment anymore, am I just living in the 1990's?)

And don't even get me started on the trend of online shopping. How the damn hell am I meant to know if that dress on fits me or not? How do I know the ASOS top isn't going to far too tight on my boobs to actual be acceptable to wear?

Online shopping, for me, is one big no.

Despite my everlasting love for the New Look sales (which isn't a bad thing to love because when it leaves you it's only for a few weeks before the next season's sale is on) there is one thing which I will forever love just that little bit more; charity shops (sorry Jack).

Ok it might not be the things you're looking for or what you need but who actually leaves a shop with only stuff they need anyway? Yes I'm talking about you £1.95 toast rack I purchased just last week.

Maybe one day I'll have the confidence (and money) to splash the cash and become a fashionista. But, in the meantime, the sale rails will do me just fine.

--- Aimee ---

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