Monday 31 July 2017

Truck Festival (Take 3)

Oh Truck Festival here we are again and once again you were a dream. A wet, muddy and miserable dream perhaps but a dream nonetheless.

We met this time without the accompaniment of a responsible adult to aid me through the weekend. Ok I lied, that's not strictly true, there was a responsible adult but that adult was me. Maybe a responsible adult would have been a good idea when I was chucking my guts up on Saturday night after too much vodka, but I guess you live and you learn.
This year was a different from my previous sunny, family orientated, casual drinking Truck experiences; the sun decided to take a break, the heavens opened and alas the mud began. After hours of rain on the Friday afternoon, I was no longer hopeful that the weekend would be as idealistic and wonderful as I had imagined.

The weekend somehow surpassed my previous high expectations despite the many, many, many things which went wrong. A leaking and broken tent, lakes of mud, a wet pillow (soon replaced with a muddy one), throwing up, a broken phone charger, running through mud to get to First Aid only to get lost on the way back, being wet/cold/miserable, a stolen camping chair (which was covered in sick so I guess it could've been worse), an overcrowded dance tent and dragging my friends to see Slaves only for them to end up in a mosh pit despite my encouragement that our positioning would be fine. Oh, not to mention our car almost getting stuck upon leaving the festival on Monday.

I won't go on because there were positives; they were far and few between but there were some. The weather was awful and moods were low but the people I was with saved the day; the friends I made upon offering a allergy relief tablet, the lost festival goers who we adopted into our camp, the stranger who gave me a hug when Slaves encouraged people to hug their friends and I was alone.

My friends made it all worthwhile.

Maybe the whole weekend didn't go to plan but had I not gone I wouldn't have seen Kat's happiness at seeing The Vaccines perform nor would I have got to be in my absolute element as The Wombats played 'Let's Dance To Joy Division'. 

I wouldn't have discovered Hot 8 Brass Band (cheers Grace) or Will Joseph Cook. 

I wouldn't have seen Superfood perform 'You Can Believe' or have seen The Vaccines perform 'All In White'.

Had I not gone I wouldn't have had the nicest vegan curry nor would I have tried vegan pizza.

Yes it was wet, muddy, cold and a complete disaster but I loved (almost) every minute of it and most of all I got to spend the weekend with some of the nicest people I have met. Truck, it was a pleasure as always. Thank you.

--- Aimee ---


  1. This sounds like a very muddy but amazing weekend! Sometimes the best times are the ones where the plan just goes completely out the window

    Eloise x

    1. It was pretty amazing, maybe not to plan but definitely worthwhile! (I'm so sorry I have only just seen this!)



Truck Festival (Take 4)

Nearing the end of festival season in the UK, it is probably about time I got round to posting my annual Truck Festival piece. 2018 marked...