Wednesday 3 February 2016

XS Brain Capacity

It's hard in todays society to do what the vast majority of people call 'good'. It seems whatever you wish to say or do will upset someone. Every status or video which shows someone attempting to say or do a good deed has a fair few lengthy messages about why this opinion is wrong or hurtful.

Time and time again on Facebook I see people who mean good but they cannot seem to understand how what they said could be offensive in any way. of course me saying this could be leading onto a vast number of points; the ignorance of people, shitty Facebook arguments, the entertainment of it all but I'd much prefer to take a different look.

Lost at what the hell this blog post will be about? I'll enlighten you. Today's blog post is on weight and how people attempt to approach the subject 'sensitively.'

For some bizarre reason, 99% of the posts encouraging self love and body confidence do so in one way, degrading slim and skinny bodies. It's as if people don't think skinny people or underweight people go on Facebook, they clearly wont see these posts which are literally plastered everywhere. Don't worry, you won't upset those skinny people because they don't have feelings or get hurt by what you say. No, it's okay because their brains don't work the same anyway.

You see what many people don't know is that skinny people don't have feelings, nothing can upset them, they are invincible (I mean come on people, lets be real here, of course your comments hurt.)

The system is fucked, why are people forever getting away with rude comments made towards skinny people when doing the same with fat people causes uproar? There are cases when people speak out against skinny shaming but sadly most of the time very little is said.

When dishing up someone's food YOU SHOULD NOT give them more and say it's to 'get some meat on them bones'. Would you ever even dream of limiting someone's food and telling them you are doing so to help them cut down/lose weight? Didn't think you would. It's no different really.

Unless you are with someone 24/7 you have no idea how much they eat. Stop calling people out on 'not eating enough' how the fuck would you know what enough is in comparison to the amount of exercise they do, their height, how much they should be eating?

Another brilliant remark I have heard far too often is 'no one wants to cuddle a stick' ah yes, that old chestnut. Well maybe no one would want to cuddle you anyway because you're a fucking prick who clearly has no respect for skinner than 'normal' people. Also, I'm sure some people aren't so shallow so you're 'no one' is quite incorrect. More importantly than these two points, women (as is usually who are effected most by this issue) are not objects for which you just cuddle and kiss and use. Maybe a 'stick' has a great personality, not that any fucking prick would bother to find out because someone douches only want a body for their own use.

Wherever I am when I hear a disturbing remark being made against skinny people I squirm in my seat (although only if I'm sat down obviously else I just cringe.) It's insane how comments can just go under the radar because they aren't 'fat shaming'. I cannot remember if I have blogged or mentioned before about the article I read on 'All About That Bass'. If I have then sorry for mentioning it again but if I haven't, a basic overview is it argued that it doesn't skinny shame because there is not such thing as skinny shaming. If you have that opinion you have to really closely look at your life.

Yes aspects of life such as mannequins and models display a skinner body shape but, just because the mass of society offers this to be the 'ideal' doesn't mean you can call people out on it. In 2016 do people still not understand that things such as a healthy lifestyle and a fast metabolism can lead to someone being 'skinny'. Obviously, you cant ignore that there are people who starve themselves to be skinny but, in many cases, this is only the majority so please stop assuming everyone is doing the same.

*If you know me or have seen pictures of me you will obviously know I'm not exactly talking from experience when speaking of comments or the issue in general. The examples I am referring to are simply things which I have overheard and disagreed with.*

There are so many reasons why people may be of a slimmer body shape to others and quite frankly, most of the time its none of your fucking business. So please, if you are going to bring it up, be nice and be careful how you word what you say because yes, they've probably been told the same thing time and time again but no, that doesn't mean it gets easier to hear or to deal with.

Don't assume you know the whole story when you don't. Don't talk down to people who, in your eyes are 'too skinny'. They don't want to hear it, I don't want to hear it so just keep it to yourself. And, maybe if you try to focus really hard, like really, really, really hard on their personality or other aspects about them you will realise their body shape doesn't fucking matter anyway.

--- Aimee ---

1 comment:

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