Wednesday 17 August 2016

Girl Groups

Growing up every teen chick flick seemed to revolve around one thing; girl groups. Ok yes, relationships and crushes often came in at a close second but were rarely present without this overpowering theme.

I was painted this picture that high school (well, secondary school) would be a magical time. That I would be bombarded with an overwhelming number of parties and social meet ups. Most of all, I was under the impression that these events would take place as the result of being part of a girl populated friendship group.

In high school (I won't bother correcting again) you meet friends, form your group and, bam, those are your friends. And then, on your journey to adulthood, you ditch a few but, ultimately, you keep the same friends.

And this probably isn't far from the truth. Timeless stories from my mum or dad shows that some friends are for life (not just for Christmas). Maybe, sometimes friendships do stand the test of time (wow apparently I've turned into a middle aged woman).

It's impossible to walk down the corridor at school without seeing a gaggle of girls (if girls had a collective noun I'm pretty sure it would be gaggle) huddled together (probably gossiping about the latest crush of the group).

Is it me? Am I the type of person that wants this. Someone who wants what 80% of girls at high school want. Does anyone actually want it or does their life just dump them there? I don't have the answer to how it happens or how it happens to the majority but leaves some of us stranded. Maybe we just don't fit in and we just have to search harder for the place in which we do fit.

I have only ever been part of two groups in my life and neither were female only. (I guess female only groups is usually a requirement and not a preference.) I think it's better that way. I'm all for girl power and the alike but girl groups leave me with one word; drama. Too much of it. I would rather lead my simple life with people who don't create or involved themselves in drama (relationship or otherwise.)

But my life hasn't been bad because of it. Maybe I have missed out on a conventional teenage girl sort of life but I'm still enjoying life in spite of that. It's not all that (here we are again with the middle aged woman quotes), having a group of girls to share your life with.

I think it's since the 'girls' and 'lads' holidays that I've paid more attention to this. It's made me wonder how I'm going to feel next year when its 'my' turn. Unless some kind of miracle happens I won't be partaking on one of these (and that doesn't bother me much at all). But (I think) I'm ok with that, with just living my life without meeting any sort of requirements or standards.

Perhaps I'm just bitter. Bitter like the person who hates doing the 100m sprint because they can never win and if they can never win then what is the point (unintentional reference to the Olympics.) Or perhaps I feel like an outsider because life hasn't been quite how I expected it. Or maybe I don't see the appeal because it has never personally affected me. After all, you can't miss something which you never had to begin with.

--- Aimee ---

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