Thursday 6 October 2016

Young and (Un)Fit

I am so fed up with people telling I'm 'young and fit' simply because I'm a healthy looking teenage girl.

Newsflash: not all young people are actually 'fit' (in an athletic way and not the cringy af, supposedly complimentary way which teenage boys deem acceptable) even if they may appear to be so.

Because I feel as though I am constantly apologising for being less fit than is socially acceptable for my age (and, I guess, someone of my physique.) And I don't want to apologise but I also don't want people to assume that I am able to do a ridiculous amount of exercise or being brilliant at sport simply because of my age.

And this annoys me on a regular basis because I feel so awful for not fitting the standard that I should be.

Example 1: Numerous times I have played two consecutive games of netball (40 minutes each) on a Sunday morning but complaining about being tired from this results (nearly always) in a 'don't be silly, you can do things like that because you're young and fit'. Alright, you try running around for 80 minutes and tell me you're not knackered? I'm not fitter than the rest of you, you just assume I am because I'm younger, and that's not really how it works.

Just because I'm younger it doesn't mean I can run (/play netball) for longer, it just means that, in the time I am playing, I can (probably) run a bit faster (aka get tired just as quickly and not actually have this extra stamina that you claim I have).

Example 2: A few weeks ago I played in a netball tournament and, at one point, played four games (10 minutes each) consecutively without a break. I was knackered and, due to this (I think, but I'm no doctor so I don't actually know) I injured my knee (google told me it was a sprain so I think it was a sprain). I don't have good knees at the best of times (bending down is usually a struggle) so this really wasn't ideal. At least this meant I had a valid reason to be bad (not on purpose ofc) in the following game and not get the usual 'but you're young' when I state that I have weak knees (well, I assume its not normal for a 17 year old to struggle to stand up once having sat down on the floor?)

I also guested for another team last night and when I was knackered after 36 minutes of game play, the captain of the team told me 'yeah but you're young and fit'. Point proven.

Example 3: A couple of years back I was suffering heavily with back pain which resulted in me seeing a physiotherapist. It was largely helpful and they gave me exercises to do (which I aabandonded when I began feeling moderately okay). I have decided that there is a 98% chance that this is hereditary (yay for me) so at least I know it's not my fault or could have been avoided (although the few years I did trampolining couldn't have helped). And it makes it a bit awks at netball when I have to explain that 'oh yeah btw kinda can't run very fast now because I just jumped, landed awkwardly on my knees and it's hurt my back' (lol at my body) for which saying I feel a 'pft, bad back, you're 17, you can't have a bad back', secretly hidden by the sympathetic 'oh go steady' comments.

And if you're a girl then you'll know how back pain is only worsened on what I shall refer to as the monthlies (or the magazine I get each month as my dad delicately put it.) This makes certain weeks rather hellish, made even worse after any form of exercise which makes me feel like a 70 year old woman who struggles to walk. (No, no honestly I am 17 not 70, believe me.)

Example 4: I really struggle to breathe while exercising in cold weather which I had almost forgotten about until last night when I was gasping for breath. It was kind of a good thing though because it made me decide I have to go back to the doctors (I think it's asthma but I don't really know.)

And again I feel as though I am disappointing my team and myself but I also kinda don't want to die. Don't think that would be fun. Sorry guys, I would love to run faster and help you out but I kind of can't breathe over here so just give me a minute please.

Oh how I wish I wasn't submitted to this category of 'young and fit'. How I wish my fitness levels weren't based on my age. How I wish people were more understanding that anyone can have health issues and how these can affect a persons life.

But, if I'm wishing for anything, how I wish my body wasn't so weak and pathetic at only 17.

--- Aimee ---

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