Monday 24 August 2015

Escaping Reality

Escape. A chance to leave. Forever or for a short while. The idea has always appealed to me. Not always in the form of physically leaving but an escape none the less. In my 16 years on this ever worsening planet, I have found my own forms of escape, things which take me away from the, some times, painful reality that is life.

I think that that is what books are about. They aren't primarily about wanting to know more or learn a new story. They are about getting lost in a whole other world. They are a form of escaping everyday life. A way to set foot in a new life, a new world, a new story.

The thought of being able to leave the usual reality for a short while has always apppealed to me. I love being able to be vacant from this world and travel into a whole other one. Is there anything more magical than, in an instant, being able to switch lives and become alive in a fictional world.

Many people have the complete wrong idea about people who read. Geeks. A common word thrown around for those who enjoy the company provided by stories. The associations being smart, clever and brainy. But, where does cleverness come into it? Do you really need to be smart in order to step foot in another world? The extent of smartness you need is to understand that you want to escape for a while, into the undiscovered world.

There are plenty of reasons to feel the need to escape. A lust to explore. Explore new stories, new lifestyles, new characters. It helps to forget. Forget whatever it is that you desire to forget. In some ways I guess it's the same reason people smoke. The same reason people run. Just another form of addiction.

The most beautiful addiction there is. Personally, I don't think there is anything more addictive than words. Glorious words. Beautiful words. Wonderful words. Words so in depth, so captivating that you can become addicted.

In my experience, there will always be some books which just never grab a persons attention. Of course it is different for each person. If you are made to read a book, chances are you will enjoy it less as its not your decision.

I'm not quite sure where I stand when it comes to being described as a 'bookworm'. If you ask some people I'm sure they would tell you I read a lot and don't understand how I can do it. But if you ask others, they will tell you I don't read that much. I don't believe I do read as much as I could. I find it very hard to get into a book. If I make myself read a book, usually, after about 20 pages I will begin to enjoy it.

While on a short break in Cornwall a few weeks ago, I purchased nine new books. As sad as it may seem to some people, I am so excited to begin reading them. My total of books to read must be way past 30 now. Each one I am longing to read but I know that there are some books which of I begin, I won't get much else done before I finish them.

That's the problem. The two sides to every book. The issue every book reader faces. You will either love a book so much that you never want to put it down or, on the other hand, you won't be interested in it and will never finish it.

I think the most amazing things about books is how a story can be described. A simple action, place or character can be described with such words and emotion that it can magnify its beauty. Books are the place where ordinary things become a bit more wonderful. Things are looked at in. Different light. Opinions are altered on what people come across in their daily lives.  

But it's not all about the love of books in general. Of course, the storyline is to be considered. The offer of having a whole new place to discover. A chance to learn and be a part of another persons life. Oh how real and alive a fictional character can appear. A real connection can be made.

As much as we all wish it was, life isn't always perfect. In fact, it rarely is. There's always issues that are lingering.  Problems people want to get away from. If their way of getting away is investing their time and energy into a book then let them. The characters, the situation, the morals could be everything they need. For some, even just knowing that they are not alone with their problems is all the comfort and support they need.

And, personally, I believe that if a person tells you they don't like reading, it's highly likely that they just haven't found the right book yet.

--- Aimee ---

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