Saturday 1 August 2015


A month ago I decided to become vegetarian. It is something which I have wanted to do for a while to be honest but it never seemed to be feasible. There was always a reason not to. It would be too awkward. I was going out for a meal. I couldn't be bothered with the fuss. But eventually I decided it was what I wanted.

I discussed the idea with my parents a while ago but they told me I was unable to become vegetarian because it would be too complicated for them when it came to meals. I completely understand where they were coming from and at the time I provided no real reason for wanting to be vegetarian. Thankfully, when I discussed the idea a month ago, they were very supportive and said they would be fine if that is what I really wanted

I found that the first few days consisted of a lot of people's input. Especially people telling me how much I would miss eating certain meats. This really annoyed me. I understand that some people have certain foods at they just wouldn't be able to give up and I accept that that is their views. But what I cant understand is why people were having an input on which foods I would miss. Me. Personally.

I didn't particularly mind it coming from my close friends but I did mind comments from people who have no idea what I eat. I couldn't understand why they thought they could tell me what I would miss eating. To be quite honest, previous to becoming vegetarian, I had gone off of most meats anyway. The only meat I was regularly eating was pork and, even then, it was only sausages I ate. As far as fish is concerned, I gave that up around the time I got told I couldn't become vegetarian as a kind of substitute from still eating meat I guess.

For reasons I will never understand, I found myself feeling guilt when eating meat more and more often. I feel as though it may have been because in the past few months I have been more exposed to the way animals are treated and it makes me feel sick inside. I felt that as a meat consumer, I was no better than the people slaughtering the poor animals.

I shan't pretend that I know all the facts about animals torture and slaughterhouses but I feel I know enough to understand how wrong it is. Although I have become vegetarian, I don't feel the need to shout about it. People are entitled to their own opinions and I feel it is unnecessary to argue with people due to their views not being the same as mine.

Of course I have my reason for being vegetarian and I feel quite strongly about it. If someone asks me why I made the decision I did, I will happily explain. Or, if someone tries to argue with me how it is the circle of life, I will strongly object and voice my own opinion. But there're is, in my eyes, no good reason to start an argument about it on purpose. 

Personally, I thought that being a vegetarian would be incredibly awkward and there would be very little I would be able to eat. I was wrong to have thought this. Although there are a lot fewer options at places such as restaurants and cafes, there is still enough choice for me to find something I like. Recently, I have falling in love with vegetarian sausages and I urge you to go out and try them now if you haven't, they are amazing.

I am concerned that when I go away next week I will have very, very little choice. I think it may come down to surviving on Margarita pizza for two weeks which I am more an happy with to be quite honest. It worries me that anything else which Is advertised as vegetarian may not be due to foreign countries not caring to much about what is in their food (in my experience anyway).

One thing I have found since becoming vegetarian is that ingredients is very complicated to read through. It annoys me very much that things aren't displayed as being non-vegetarian because I feel it would make life a lot easier. I have learnt also that not all companies display vegetarian products in the same way. Some do it in writing, others use symbols and some just include their ingredients. It makes it so hard to find whether something is vegetarian or not when you are unsure in where to look for the desired information.

People are so careless when it comes to food. It's not until you have a reason to that you look to see the content of the food you are eating. I am truly disgusted by some of the products that include animal parts which would have never crossed my mind if I hadn't been needing to look. And most of the time, I think to myself, is it necessary to include animal parts in? It is worth all the pain and suffering just for something to taste that tiny bit better?

For now I am coping quite well with being vegetarian. It makes me happy to know I can enjoy my meals and not be concerned about the torture that has gone into my food. I know I am not currently making much of an impact in terms of animal cruelty but, hopefully, one day I will be able to make a much bigger difference. A fight for the lives of those who can't fight for themselves.

--- Aimee ---

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