Friday 28 August 2015


In relationships we learn a lot about other people. I don't mean boyfriend/girlfriend relationships. Of course those types of relationships are included, but I mean any relationship. A friendship. Family. Any connection you have to another individual.

Throughout our lives we become intertwined with various people. We meet people once and never see them again and we meet others who we just know are meant to be in our lives. It means a great deal to have a purpose in someone's life, a role. Anything from being a shoulder to cry on to being their whole world.

To me, any connection strong enough to make a friendship out of involves trust. Trust is a key quality to have in life. Trusting your own importance in someone's life. Trusting that a secret won't be shared. People think alot of having someone's trust. They see it as being a good person in the eyes of their friend.

Sometimes in life, trust is just simply trust and other times, it needs to be mixed with confidence. In our daily lives, lots of conversations are carried out. More often than not, the majority of these conversations are nothing more than small talk, things which you would talk to anyone in your life about, nothing major.

Those types of days pass us by going unnoticed, they're nothing special. Of course we need these days in our lives. We need ordinary days to make the extraordinary days that much more spectacular. But no, the days I live for are the ones with the 2am conversations. The times when you just open up about everything and anything.

A lot of people will tell you that. That the 2am conversations are the best types of conversation. Although they are high on my list of favourites, I'd have to disagree with them being the absolute best. No, for me, the best conversations are the 2am ones. The 2am conversations that don't happen at 2am. Confused? I'll try to explain.

I'm sure we've all had our fair share of 2am conversations. Whether it be at a party, at a sleepover or over facebook as you lay in bed. There is no doubt that they are incredible. It's a time where things get revealed. Not in some sly and manipulative but in a trusting way. If you've ever been part of a 2am gossip you'll know what I mean.

For some reason, at 2am people become more open. They share more, things they haven't told these specific people before or maybe even told anyone. 2am is the time for the truth to come out, to really let go of how you feel. These are the things that make 2am conversations so great.

But as I said before, they're not my absolute favourite. Because, what, in the entirety of this screwed up world, can be more satisfying and magical than letting out all the things you would say at 2am come out in the day. When you are fully you as a person. No amount of tiredness had kicked in. No alcohol has made you be that way. You are you. A significant being.

Breaking it down, what I mean is that my favourite conversations are the ones where you say how you really feel. What scares you. What your dreams are. Why you act a certain way. The deep things. Not everyday chit chat with a stranger. No this relies on something a lot stronger than just meeting someone. This relies on trust on unexplainable levels. Confidence in a person. Confidence in yourself.

If you have that trust, that anything-can-be-said trust, never let that person go. It doesn't come around often and I cannot begin to explain how magical it is. To have such a connection that you can literally tell them anything. I think it's the kind of relationship each of us longs for. To put full trust into someone and tell them your darkest secrets.

I think that's always the catch. Your darkest secrets. The thoughts you haven't said out loud before. They can be the make or break. As humans, we don't have the power to make an outcome the exact way we want it. It's the difficulty with trusting someone, you never know how they are feeling about what you've said/done.

As shitty as it is, people can decide they've had enough. They can let you talk for hours, days, weeks even and then just leave you. They can decide that maybe your darkest points are just too dark for them. Your lows are too low, some thing they can't deal with.

But that's the thing about relationships, nothing is certain. That's just a problem with life though really, there's nothing anyone can do to change it. So, for now, keep searching for that trust. If you've found that person you can talk about anything to, hold on to them, they are remarkably special. And if not, if you find yourself with no one to really share your feelings with, live for them 2am conversations. You may not know the people, they might not even remember it afterwards but, while you have the chance to talk and not be judged, grab it with both hands.

--- Aimee ---

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