Monday 27 July 2015

Whirlwind of Emotions

I'd like to think that I'm quite a creative and imaginative person but, when it comes to blogging topics, I often get stuck. Whether it's the fact that I begin writing about a topic but later realise I don't like the post or just generally can't think of a new topic. Although this is usually the case, there are also times where I think of multiple topics at once which, in some ways is worse as I like to keep a pattern to the timing of uploading new posts.

This is partly the reason for another upload already, with me going away for a few days being the other part.

The topic that I have decided to write about so soon after my previous post is emotions and, in particular, kindness. I guess it all happened on campaign day which I did as part of NCS and was also the final day of my NCS experience. As far as campaigning is concerned, our group was in the local town centre spreading awareness for our issue which we were working to solve. Without going into unnecessary details, part of our campaign involved costumes, one of which I volunteered to wear. The outfit itself was a Tudor-style ball gown and personally I wasn't the biggest fan.

Nevertheless I wore it and, to my suprise, got many compliments about it. Several strangers made an effort to come over and made nice comments which really warmed my heart. I absolutely adore kind things being done for me, no matter how big or small. It's so lovely to know that people choose to take time out of their day to make you feel better, even when they don't know you at all.

There were two occasions during the campaigning which really touched me. The first being a boy, who was probably no more than 5 or 6, come over and kiss my hand. I'm sorry but no matter how heartless you are, there's no way that little kids being cute doesn't warm your heart. It was honestly the cutest thing that anyone has ever done for me. I think the best thing about it is that it was such a small gesture and yet it made me so happy. To be quite honest, I did well up after this because I'm really not used to people being so adorable, especially to me personally.

The next occurrence of overwhelming emotions happened no less than 30 minutes later. As I was stood in the high street trying to catch people's attention to speak to, three small children walked past; two boys and a girl. It's more than common knowledge that small children don't really know how to whisper, although sometimes I guess it's because they don't care about people hearing. Anyway, as the three children walked past, the little girl looked at me and I smiled back. Then, after taking a second glance at me, she yelled 'Look! A princess!'

I promise you, until you are randomly complimented by a small child, you may never understand the heart warming effect it has. I think the reason it is so great is that children just say what is on their mind. Yes adults may compliment you to but they are engineered in way to think before they say. I'm not saying their opinion doesn't matter or count but you can never truly be sure if they mean it. On the other hand, children don't have a concept of consequences, only saying what they really think. You know what when a child compliments you they really believe the compliment and that tugs on the heart strings like nothing else.

Personally, I feel that compliments are both underused and overused at the same time. Overusing compliments leads to them being, in a way, worthless. This doesn't go for all compliments but the whole 'so pretty', 'beautiful' and 'gorgeous' get used so much that it's almost as if people are big forced or feel like they have to say it.

As cringey as it may be, I prefer to compliment people in a much more unique and, I guess, more complimentary way. More in depth compliments like 'people should forever be grateful to have you in their lives' and 'I'm honoured to have you as a friend'. Compliments that aren't used everyday and that make the person truly believe they are angelic and magical.

I felt as though just thanking each person in my NCS group was not enough. Thanking them could not make up for the shear amounts they have all helped me or show them just how grateful I was. At around 8pm on the evening before campaign day, I decided just what I would do to show try gratitude. I reliased that I could write. I could make them feel good about themselves. That's exactly what I did.

I spent 3 hours writing that evening. I wrote a letter to each member of my group, telling them how amazing they were. I told them how thankful I was for everything and gave them as many positive comments as I could. My only reasoning behind it was to make them feel better about themselves in a way that I knew how.

The outcome was more spectacular than I could have ever hoped for. Everyone was incredibly grateful and many made very kind comments. My favourite was from a absolultey lovely member of my group. While crying at my words, he exclaimed that it was the most beautiful thing anyone had ever said to him. This act alone made me ball my eyes out. Just the fact that my actions had influenced someone in such a way made me so immensely happy.

I later had another comment about how my writing would take me far in life. Honestly that made me so happy because it's what I want to pursue. It gave me so much hope that people believe in me. I have never had that kind of support before and it's incredible to have found now. And I urge you, do what you want to do. Be the most incredible person you can be because people will notice and they will help you. Anyone who doesn't believe in you doesn't deserve to be there to see you succeed.

--- Aimee ---

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