Saturday 4 July 2015

Body Positivity

Summer is now well and truly here. In the past week, the temperature has reached highs of 36°, making it far too hot to go out in jeans or trousers in my opinion. So yes people are going to be wearing dresses, skirts and shorts. Having finished school means I am able to wear whatever whenever and I don't have to worry about wearing a uniform which I will boil in which I am so thankful for.

Personally, I have practically lived in dresses and shorts for the past few weeks due to the temperatures being as they have been. I am not overly confident with having my body on show when it comes to wearing shorts and such but at high temperatures it is the most comfortable. I am currently at the point where I am not too concerned about what people think of my body which has taken me a fair amount of time to get to.

Far too many people are concerned with what others wear. People are forever making comments about a body shape or size not suiting certain clothing. But to be honest does it matter? As long as the persons themselves are either confident or comfortable, what they wear doesn't matter. People don't need others to criticise how they look because, more often than not, they already know.

I really wish people would be nice. People need to understand that people do come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. Just because someone doesn't have the ideal body you would like people to have, it doesn't give anyone the right to be horrible about this. People who criticise others barely realise the impact words can have and should learn that some things are better left unsaid.

Of course I don't mean that people shouldn't comment on others appearance. If they have own opinion that's okay but sometimes it is better not to share. But positive comments to someone mean everything. I absolultey adore complimenting other people. Be it on their makeup, hair, clothing or just overall look. I know how much it means to be complimented. Some people need to hear nice things about themselves more than they want people to know.

Obviously people have their own opinion on their body, but it is usually quite negative so positive comments mean the world to them. If you think someone looks especially nice, tell them. If you like their hairstyle, tell them. If you think someone is pretty, tell them. It takes a few seconds to be nice but the impact could have a massive effect on that person.

Body positivity is so extremely important. Especially with summer already here, people need to be confident in themselves. They need to be able to wear what they want and no have to worry about comments being made. This summer I have worn crop tops for the first time without caring too much about what people say which has been such a big step for me. I don't think it should really concern them because it is not their body. It's your body so wear whatever the hell you want and have confidence about doing so.

Without wanting to sound arrogant, I do get compliments given to me often but the negative comments are always there too. Negative comments have so much more impact. They stay with you a lot longer than the positive ones too. And no matter how many positive comments there are, the negative ones are always there are, at the back of your mind. It leaves you always wondering if these comments are actually what people think. If you shouldn't be wearing them sort of clothes. If you do actually need to diet. If you're makeup doesn't actually make you look beautiful.

If you want to be happier and be more confident are there are people stopping that, get rid of them. You can always find new friends but you will only ever have one body, so treat it well and learn to love it. I understand the difficulties involved in loving yourself but sooner or later you will realise just how fantastic and beautiful you are. And if you see people being body positive, don't mock them, don't hate them for it, it has probably taken alot for them to feel that way. Instead, compliment them, tell them how beautiful they are, tell them that their body is gorgeous just the way it is

Compliment people to the best of your abilities, it could be the first step in learning to love themselves. Do whatever you can to make others feel good about themselves. But whatever you do, don't make horrible comments, even if only as a joke. The likelihood of them forgetting what you said are very slim, they will probably believe that is is how people really see them and no one in the world deserves that kind of self loathing.

--- Aimee ---

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