Friday 24 July 2015


Books are glorious things. Hundreds of pieces of paper put together to form a story so beautiful it gives you the chance to escape reality for a brief while. So underrated in today's society yet so important for a release of imagination and feelings. The wonderous book I have been overly engaged with since I began it a few weeks ago is The Lovely Bones.

I'm guessing from the mention of a book, a review is expected at this point. But for a few reasons this will not be the case. If I'm honest, the main reason is I haven't actually reached the end of the book yet so I feel it would be wrong of me to give an opinion on the overall book. Another reason I have is that I did a book review not that long ago so any new topics that spring to mind I feel will be more exciting that repeating the same topic again.

So the real reason for writing this blog post then. I guess it begins with me explaining that, if you don't already know, The Lovely Bones is not only a fantastic book but also a brilliant film. I first watched a small part when I was about 10 and ever since I have wanted to watch the whole film. Soon after purchasing the book, I found the DVD in a charity shop (the best shops in my opinion) so figured I may aswell buy it. I honestly thought I would do things correctly and read the book first which I did plan to do until my friend came round one day and insisted we watch it. I was apprehensive at first because I didn't want to ruin the book but I have found that my actions have done no such thing.

As with many other times in my life, I have found that, personally, things don't get ruined purely because you know the ending. There are so many films out there which are so well known that everyone just knows how it ends. Everyone knows that Romeo and Juliet both end up dead. Everyone knows that Jack dies in the icy sea. Everyone knows that Mufasa dies and Simba has to live on without his father. People are aware of these facts usually before they watch the films. It doesn't stop them watching it, it doesn't ruin the film, it doesn't put them off.

Honestly, everytime I watch Titanic, I pray Jack will make it, that he won't die and never live a happy life with Rose. Deep down inside I know he will die but there is a tiny bit of hope which I cling to. That's all you need really. Just the smallest bit of hope. Something to grab hold of when things are uncertain. One tiny detail to keep things bearable.

I really don't believe that things can be ruined by knowing how they will end. Without getting too deep, life always ends with death, there's no escaping that. But people don't give up be just because one day they will die. In my opinion, it's not about knowing how something will end but more being curious or unsure about the other aspects. The how, the when, the why. The element of mystery that everyday events hold within them.

I think, as a species we thrive for uncertainty. Spontaneous trips and adventures where we learn, discover and grow. People lust after the chance of opportunities with no set outcomes and I hoenstly think that is a great way to live. By all means venture into the unexpected and unexplored. Live without knowing what the outcome will be. Be reckless. But don't discourage things because you know the outcome.

It's not always about how it ends, but how the journey to the end affects you. Don't refrain from reading books you've already read. Don't stop yourself from taking part in opportunities. As dark as it may seem, everything ends. Nothing will ever last for eternity because every forever has its ending. We aren't invincible as a species but it doesn't mean we can't live life to the fullest while we have the chance.

There will come a time in your life where there are no more chances to take so you can only reflect on the chances of the past. It's a common thing to say that you want to live a life where you don't regret not taking chances but it really is true.

So, on a final note, take every chance you are given. Whether you know the outcome or not, don't let it stop you doing something. To be honest, even if you know the ending, the journey can still be unpredictable and unexpected. To quote one of my heroes; sometimes, even if you know how something's going to end, that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the ride.

--- Aimee ---

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